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Monday, April 7, 2008
Pictures From Ole Miss Sorority Girls Stolen Camera
This girls name is actually Brittney and people online are seroiusly obsessed with these pics lol she does live in San Diego Ive known her for awhile too =)
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Number one, she's from california, not ole miss.
Number two, the pictures weren't stolen. It was a publicity stunt for her.
Google tiffy toodlepoo and see all her stuff.
It wasn't a publicity stunt... Her photobucket was hacked. Her name is Tiffany Watkins and she lives in San Diego, CA.
i didn't know about this untill last year online. yea, her name is Tiffany Watkins and i graduated with her from granite hils high '06
here is here facebook with her friend!/profile.php?id=100000128858336&ref=ts
This girls name is actually Brittney and people online are seroiusly obsessed with these pics lol she does live in San Diego Ive known her for awhile too =)
her name is tiffany watson, from London ONtario, her facebook is
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